Royal Diamond Property Inspections Service Menu

Home Inspections for Southwest FL

Residential Services

We’ve built our residential services menu to suit your needs. We believe in providing top-notch transparent service to all our clients, whether you’re a buyer, seller, insurer, or agent. Call us for a quote today!

Home Inspector Rob Smith performing a home inspection service

Buyer’s Inspection

With our Buyer’s Inspection service, you can rest assured you’ll find out the actual condition of your future home. We will do a walkthrough and provide you with an inspection report within 24 hours. We will check the entire home, including:









Pool Cages


Pre listing Inspection home inspection service

Pre-Listing / Seller’s Inspection

Before you list your home for sale, find out everything about it with our Seller’s Inspection service. This walk-through is exactly the same as our Buyer’s Inspection. By finding out what needs to be repaired or replaced in advance, you can improve buyer confidence and possibly even command a higher price!

4 Point Home Inspection Service

4-Point Inspection 

Buying an older home comes with its own pros and cons. One thing that your insurer might require is our 4-Point Inspection service. This isn’t the same thing as our Buyer’s Inspection. However, it does include:

  • Plumbing
  • HVAC
  • Roof
  • Electrical
Maintenance home Inspection service

Home Maintenance Inspection 

Anyone who owns a home needs to be aware of the necessity of regular Home Maintenance Inspections. We will spot minor issues you might miss, giving you the opportunity to repair them before they become a big deal. We’ll also keep you informed about any systems that need replacement.

Re Home Inspection Service


Signing the final documents to close on your home is exciting, but also a bit scary. Protect yourself by getting a Re-Inspection done first. During this service, we’ll check to make sure your home repair addendum was properly addressed. This will also give us a last chance to make sure that nothing else has gone wrong since our last inspection.

Wind Mitigation Home Inspection Service

Wind Mitigation

A Wind Mitigation inspection is imperative in Florida. Find out what measures your home already has in place to help it withstand a hurricane. We’ll also give you some tips about future methods that you could incorporate. Additionally, some insurers will give you a break for getting a Wind Mitigation service.

Manufactured Home Foundation Certifications

Foundation CertificationsIf you are selling or buying a manufactured home, then most likely a foundation certification will be required. For all FHA and VA loans, an engineer’s foundation certification is required that states that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the “HUD Permament Foundation Guide for Manufatured Homes”, dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

We have partnered with the engineers at Foundation Certifications to provide a turn-key foundation certification service to you. You may place your order online by going to

Our Service Area

Royal Diamond Property Inspections is proud to work with homes in sunny Southwest Florida. Cities include Naples, Marco Island, Sarasota, and LaBelle, plus everything in between.